Behind the enigmatic and ambiguous word "ligamentotomiya" is such a desirable to many men, surgery for penis enlargement. The Internet is full of advertisements with such proposals, but in the effectiveness of conservative methods, only few believe in. Well, if the purchased a "miracle drug" would be simply useless. What is worse is when the damage is applied and the health of the men and your wallet. After all, hopes are resting on the plastic surgeon. If the man is satisfied with his sex organ, he satisfied with himself, his self-esteem corresponded to the high plank in intimate relationships, it is more than liberated.
There are standards of manhood sizes?
Of course, strict limits of the normal size nobody and is stupid, if it was so. The men self-sufficient, whether or not his penis size on their own aesthetic views and preferences of the partner. Note that the length of the Penis has no influence on the degree of satisfaction of the woman during intercourse. However, the deviation from the Norm is such a phenomenon as a micro-Penis is when the length of the Penis in the erect state is less than 8 cm.

Length and thickness of the Penis is genetically predisposed, but also by the properties of the physical growth and development of the young. If for any reason during the puberty there was an insufficient production of testosterone, that is, the probability of problems in the development of the external genitalia.
An increase in the thickness of the Penis
The enlargement of the Penis in several methods. We do not see such opportunities, such as the introduction under the skin of the different Gel beads, pastes, petroleum jelly, since they are fraught with enormous complications. The only possibility that remains to be transferred under the skin of the Penis in a piece of cloth, taken from a different area.
Often a transplant is out of the buttocks. On the Penis the skin is peeled off, take the flap of skin with the subcutaneous fat layer with buttocks, for example, and wrap the shaft of your Penis, then everything is wrapped in the skin of the Penis. In the end, there was an increase in the thickness of the Penis by 1-2 cm little Is not, in fact, but if you want more, is another method.
Importance of the second method of penis extension is the transfer on the Penis flap of muscle tissue. Because there will be a bundle of blood vessels, connect carefully with their own vessels of the Penis. The tide of blood during the excitation by an additional network of blood vessels causing increased, a greater hardening of Penis and its strength significantly.
Enlargement of Penis in length
The Penis is not hidden, only the visible part, about half of its length in the small pelvis. To add a few inches length, the doctor sets a hidden part and sew the skin. Patients immersed in anesthesia, which the doctor dissects suspensive bundle of the Penis. Their separation and extension of the Penis caused by its hidden part.
After Penis-enlargement surgery, the Patient should be Extender to wear after 2-6 hours a day for 3-4 months. This is done to contribute in order to consolidate the result of the Operation, of the growth of tissues of the Penis, prevent the formation of adhesions. Of sexual activity, refuse, for at least 3 weeks. It is recommended that the wearing of not only a close and supportive underwear.
If the man decides to go for such a surgery, you must be willing to take risks and not be afraid of complications. And complications can be in the Form of:
- Bleeding, swelling, and infections.
- Deformation of the Penis.
- Loss of normal sensitivity.
- Instability during the excitation, the so-called "subluxation" during intercourse.
- Change the angle of the erection (not up, but forward or down).
- Disorders of the erection.
More than half of the patients did not expect the result of the Operation, the works finally. In the course of the investigation, found that the repeated Manipulation bring the desired effect man. So hundred times think before you make a decision on the enlargement of the Penis. Surgical indication is only a penis length of less than 8 cm in an excited state, in all other cases, it is better to be satisfied with what we have and be healthy, than to earn a bunch of unnecessary complications.